January 30th, 2025
Max Malec has been coming to Penn State since he was a kid. On Sunday, he took the ice at Pegula Ice Arena for the third time in the Sled Hockey Classic.
The 3rd annual Sled Hockey Classic between the State College Coyotes and the Penn State men’s hockey team was set to begin on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2025 in University Park, Pa. Penn State senior forward Dylan Lugris (16) founded the Sled Hockey Classic to raise money for the Coyotes’ sled hockey program, increase membership and fund equipment.
This year, the classic had a stronger meaning for Malec, 18, from Roaring Brook Township, Pa., because, before he took the ice, he signed his commitment to Penn State’s Adaptive Athletics program.
“Penn State has been in my life, ever since I was in diapers, you know, straight out of the womb,” Malec said.
Malec was born with spina bifida, a condition that paralyzes him from the waist down. He’s been playing sled hockey since he was 11.
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